Ledger Op3n at La Gaîté Lyrique

Creative and team lead

  • graphic design and art direction
  • environmental and event design
  • marketing design
Ledger Op3n is a biannual, two-day Web3/crypto conference that engages new communities and celebrates Web3 innovators and developers. It is also a Ledger platform to announce new products, partnerships and integrations. As creative lead, I art directed and designed the space and graphics for event in collaboration with internal partners and external production studios for a seamless roll out.

It was also my initiative to art direct and design a 3 meter x 3 meter living poster. Together with 3D artist Damien Laudier, we developed two inspirational product images, incorporating slow, subtle motion that played out over a duration of 10 minutes.


Carved Curency AI generative art collaboration with Bounjour Lab

As the lead brand designer at Ledger, I got to collaborate with creative agencies doing things I didn't even know were possible. For this event we partnered with Bounjour Lab to create a generative art exhibition that responded to the real time trading activity of the crypto markets.